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Attainable Sustainable: The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living
Homesteading and Sustainability - now is the time to become involved. Backyard Homesteading in either the City, Suburbs, or the Country
In today's Friday Folder, we feature a book from our Sustainability Collection:
Attainable Sustainable: The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living

Prepping is not just for hardcore survivalists, it's for everyone who cares about their own health, their life, their environment and their future. When the oil runs dry, the electricity goes off, the supermarkets empty of food, will you be prepared?
Well, Friday evening is always a very pleasurable time.
No work, no pressing emails to answer, no packing ... basically translated to FREE TIME!!
Yippee! 😛
Indulge in this berried version of the traditional angel food cake.
(Prepare your dried fruit in advance.)
Many of our customers chose the Excalibur because they have special dietary restrictions.
It encourages healthy, low-fat, low-sugar alternatives to junk foods and snacks, without resorting to artificial sweeteners, chemical fat blockers and salt substitutes.
You Little Beauty!! Bill B., our mascot here in the Land Down Under, is stoked to say "G’day Mate" to all our cobbers and rellies, on this great holiday weekend for Straya Day, this Tuesday 26 Jan! We hope you're having a ripper of a celebration with some true-blue Aussie tucker - put some snags on the barbie, and ...
