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Bill B. says "G’day Mate" to all our Cobbers and Rellies, for Straya Day

Bill B. says "G’day Mate" to all our Cobbers and Rellies, for Straya Day

Bill B., our mascot here in the Land Down Under, is stoked to say "G’day Mate" to all our Cobbers and Rellies, on this great holiday weekend for Straya Day, this Tuesday 26 Jan!

You Little Beauty!!

Bill B., our mascot here in the Land Down Under, is stoked to say "G’day Mate" to all our cobbers and rellies, on this great holiday weekend for Straya Day, this Tuesday 26 Jan!

Straya Day, this Tuesday 26 Jan! Australian continent showing both flags.


We hope you're having a ripper of a celebration with some true-blue Aussie tucker - put some snags on the barbie, and eat up until you're as full as a goog! Now that everyone's a bit cut up coz Chrissie's been and gone and there's no more prezzies, we need another ace reason for a bash.

Snags cooking on the BBQ.


What d'ya reckon? Maybe chuck the ankle biters in the ute, pack some choccy biccies, natch, and don't forget to include some of those yummy snacks you've been churning out in your Excalibur dehydrator. Drop into the Bottle-O to grab some red ned or a slab to drink with the meal, and hit the frog 'n 'toad. Watch out for the Cops though! P'raps do a bit of bush bashing, or head to the beach to catch a wave or two even. Blimey, Charlie - stone the crows! What a bonza idea 😂

Ute driving on the Frog and Toad going to the beach to so some surfing in Australia.

OK! Fair crack of the whip! - don't look at me like a stunned mullet, as if I have a kangaroo loose in the top paddock. Yep, I tend to speak a bit of Strine, but so what? ... Fair dinkum - it's a holiday, right!

Just because we happen to live and run our companies in Woop Woop doesn't make us at all iffy, you know!  No need to carry on like a pork chop. We aren't so far back of beyond that there are Bunyips living here. Crikey!

We aren't so far Back of beyond that there are Bunyips living here. Picture of Lagoon in Australian bush.


Deadset, we're as ridgy-didge as the next bloke, putting in a load of hard yakka to get all our products off to you guys.
Yep, I reckon we're stoked to work flat out for all of ya though. 'Course it takes us yonks.
Starting at brekky, we work like a blue arsed fly to put in the hard slog all arvo, until Bob’s your uncle - the day's done and we can knock off at Beer O'Clock.

We work like a Blue arsed fly. Picture of a blue coloured fly.


Sure thing, we get a bit tired mate, seeing as we've been flat out like a lizard drinking all day. But we don't get narky, and never get jack of it. It's all worth it for our best buddies.
The packing room often ends up like a dog’s breakfast, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. It all turns out just tickety boo in the end, and we get it cleaned up in a jiffy. We wouldn't be dead for quids!

Righto, it's getting late, so I'd better choof off - See ya later then. She'll be right as rain come Wednesday, after the bash.  You'll all be fitter than a Mallee Bull, in fact!

See Ya! Have a good one! 😂


Picnic table set with wine glasses and food.


 p.s. If you need any translation done, our top class Customer Service team will help you unravel the Strine Slang. Just send us a message. 😂



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