The E-Diary of Avalon
Here's how you make Homemade Yoghurt in your Excalibur Dehydrator.....
All you need to make yoghurt is yoghurt - and milk. Isn't fermenting amazing! What you are doing is transporting some of the beneficial bacteria into a new medium, allowing it to continue multiplying and turning into yummy yoghurt.
- August 14, 2022
Indulge in this berried version of the traditional angel food cake.
(Prepare your dried fruit in advance.)
- February 14, 2021
It encourages healthy, low-fat, low-sugar alternatives to junk foods and snacks, without resorting to artificial sweeteners, chemical fat blockers and salt substitutes.
- February 10, 2021
Best of all - Eating beautifully flavoursome fruit. Which is also an excellent way to improve your overall health and reduce the risk of disease.
- January 31, 2021
Please be aware that some websites have been using the Excalibur Dehydrators Australia business name unofficially misleading consumers into thinking they are us.
We believe it is most important that we are transparent with our clients, thus gaining your trust and giving you confidence in your dealings with us.
- January 17, 2021
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
To everyone for all of your ongoing support through a year that has been extraordinary, to say the least.
We'd like to take a moment to reflect upon the good things we have shared, and we truly appreciate the opportunities we’ve had to continue to work together through this period and into the future.
- December 25, 2020