The E-Diary of Avalon
One of the most well known WW2 service dogs was Corporal Smoky - an itty bitty 1.8kg, 18cm tall, Yorkshire Terrier that was found in an abandoned fox hole in the Papua New Guinea jungle. At the time, nobody had any notion of how the tiny dog got there. The American soldier brought her back to camp and to enable him to get back to a poker game he sold her to a comrade for £2 Australian, about $6.50 in today's money. The buyer was Corporal William Wynne, who named her 'Smoky'. This is where her story really began.
- April 25, 2021
Tai no mirin-boshi is a Japanese style dehydrator recipe.
If you’ve ever had dried fish jerky, then you’re going to absolutely love this recipe for the wonderful Japanese flavours. Marinated and perfectly dried pieces of fish are oh, so delicious! Snapper soaked in a mirin-based marinade and dried.
- April 13, 2021
Step Up & Pledge ZERO WASTE. Did you realise that up to half of every item in people's household bins is, on average, food waste! Why don't you, if you haven't already, join the fight against food waste? Australia is the 4th highest food wasting country. Make it a personal pledge - Mother Earth will love you so much.💚
- March 25, 2021
Making delicious food is all about balancing tastes, and once you are comfortable in so doing, you'll have more confidence in preparing food without a recipe.
- March 07, 2021
Indulge in this berried version of the traditional angel food cake.
(Prepare your dried fruit in advance.)
Indulge in this berried version of the traditional angel food cake.
(Prepare your dried fruit in advance.)
- February 14, 2021
Many of our customers chose the Excalibur because they have special dietary restrictions.
It encourages healthy, low-fat, low-sugar alternatives to junk foods and snacks, without resorting to artificial sweeteners, chemical fat blockers and salt substitutes.
It encourages healthy, low-fat, low-sugar alternatives to junk foods and snacks, without resorting to artificial sweeteners, chemical fat blockers and salt substitutes.
- February 10, 2021