Excalibur Dehydrators Australia® | The premiere distributor of Excalibur products since 2005.

1800 044 421


There are a multitude of tips, techniques and general uses to help you get the most from your Excalibur dehydrator.

Why not try your hand at some of these alternative uses for this great Excalibur Dehydrator!

Tai no mirin-boshi is a Japanese style dehydrator recipe.
If you’ve ever had dried fish jerky, then you’re going to absolutely love this recipe for the wonderful Japanese flavours. Marinated and perfectly dried pieces of fish are oh, so delicious! Snapper soaked in a mirin-based marinade and dried.

Making delicious food is all about balancing tastes, and once you are comfortable in so doing, you'll have more confidence in preparing food without a recipe.
Indulge in this berried version of the traditional angel food cake.
(Prepare your dried fruit in advance.)
Many of our customers chose the Excalibur because they have special dietary restrictions.
It encourages healthy, low-fat, low-sugar alternatives to junk foods and snacks, without resorting to artificial sweeteners, chemical fat blockers and salt substitutes.
The perfect environment for raising bread exists right inside your Excalibur dehydrator. Remove the trays from the dehydrator, set the thermostat at 45ºC and allow the unit to preheat. Place a shallow pan of water on the bottom of the dehydrator. Insert a tray directly above the water and place the bowl of dough on ...
