🖤🖤🖤 We are creating a
JERKY Lover's Paradise!

Wonderful books to grace your shelves and give you an endless source of information and recipes on:
- Smoking,
- Curing,
- Drying,
- Preserving and
- Working with Meats and Fish.
What more could you wish for? ....
Well, the only thing we can think of is that you'd wish for more of the book titles we offer, in dehydrating, preserving, drying flowers, and so much more. 😁😁
Check the Book Collection to see our full range of titles.
Are you a bibliophile?
I beg your pardon? Am I what?- you may ask
Well, if you are a bookworm, being an individual who loves and frequently reads books - then you are now officially classified as a bibliophile. 😂
Admittedly the advent of the internet brought the world into our homes and to our fingertips, offering us so many areas to search, find information, get scores of recipes and tips, and so on.
BUT ... there is nothing that matches having your own wondrous collection of books at your fingertips!
When you suddenly have the urge to create something special, how lovely it is to flick through your library of books, find what you seek, and then place your treasured book right there on the bench next to you. A ready reference at all times!
Here are some of our Jerky book titles, to tempt your taste-buds:
☀ Jerky: The Fatted Calf's Guide
☀ ... and more!
BOOKS Collection:
Check out our Jerky selections but don't stop there!
Take a wander through the other books we offer, to which we are adding continually:
Happy browsing and happy reading.
We feel sure you will fall in love with so many of these wonderful titles ❤️