🥕🍆🥔🍅 What do you consider to be the most MOREISH vegetable chips you've ever made in your dehydrator?

Let's see now - we love Sweet Potato best ... no, hang on, make that Green Beans.
Oh, the decisions are just way too hard - those dehydrated Mushrooms were superb! 😁
Ooops ... nearly forgot the amazing Beets - wow!!
Ummm .. maybe we should change that to Carrots. Those thinly sliced carrot shreds were the best yet 😍
Tried and true, we must never leave out trusty Tomatoes!
Gosh .... difficult decisions!!
Who has a favourite?
Following is the first in our series of tips on making these yummies -- dehydrate all of them and you'll be making something delicious every day for absolutely ages!!
Let's start with CARROT CHIPS

We made super delectable thin carrot shreds recently, and they are something you just can't stop munching on 😜
Be sure to Shred your carrots .. not grate them.
Shredding makes long strips, whereas grating ends up with little short pieces. You definitely need long strips for this snack. A Mandoline Slicer is ideal for this job .... just be super careful of your finger tips, as these devils are sharp as razors!!
A great alternative trick that kids will love are Spiralised Carrot strips! They look fancy, and the skinny strips just disappear as soon as you pop a handful into your mouth. Yumm!!
Avoid old carrots ... the core is tough and lacks flavour. Look for really long rather thin carrots, as these will give you a much better taste result.
Wash your carrots thoroughly. There is no need to peel them, as you won't notice the peels tasting any different. Young carrots especially have hardly any skin.
Now is the time to let your imagination go wild with flavours. Spice them up with anything your heart desires. Place all of your carrot strips into a large bowl ... large enough so you can move the carrots around easily without breaking the thin strips. Now, experiment with the taste treats you prefer. Just adding some herbed salt is tasty, but the types of flavours you can add are endless! The carrot strips are wet from washing, so any spices will easily stick in place .. or you may like to toss them in some oil.
Spicy .. sprinkle with curry powder, sea salt and black pepper, rubbing the seasoning in with some of your preferred oil (grape seed, olive, etc). Garam Masala spice is also a delicious option.
Sweet - mix together some honey and butter, rolling your carrot strips into the mixture, being very careful to only allow a thin coating, to avoid the strips all glueing themselves together
After seasoning, spread the carrots in a single layer onto the dehydrator trays, allowing air flow around the pieces. it is best to use an Akela silicone sheet so all the spices and seasonings don't drip through the trays.
Dry at 52 C (25 F) until dry and crispy. Timing may vary, depending on the humidity of the room and the amount of moisture in the carrots. These usually only take about 3 hours to be perfectly crispy and delicious, but check a few times until they reach your desired crunchiness. Remove the dehydrated strips from the dehydrator and allow them to cool completely before you store them.
Store in an airtight container.
Keep your eyes peeled to our page for more recipes and tips - we will be running a series for each variety of these vegetable chips 😜