Excalibur Dehydrators Australia® | The premiere distributor of Excalibur products since 2005.

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Bresaola is remarkable. Like a woodsy prosciutto with a full beef flavour, bresaola is silky, herbaceous and complex.
It is a simple charcuterie to make at home.
Many different foods can be prepared by dehydration. Meat has held a historically significant role. For centuries, many diets around the world depended on dried fish and meats.
Almost any and all fish can be dehydrated and turned into jerky.
Drying fish is a way of preserving it at a time of plenty, to be used when there are less fish being caught. Throughout Asia dried fish are a delicacy, highly sought after.
Being partial to the Asian styles of food preparation, we offer a recipe for Fish Jerky steeped in the flavours of ginger, soy, and pineapple.
What do YOU like to dehydrate? We'd love to hear from you in the comments 🙂

You can dehydrate almost any fresh food - and some things work better than others.

Here are just a few examples:
  *  Fruits ~ eat as snacks; or chop and add to granola and trail mixes; or dried as purees for fruit leather/rollups.
  *  Vegetables ~ eat as snacks and chips; or add to soups, stews, and backpacking meals.
  *  Meat, poultry, and fish ~ all sorts of jerky; add to backpacking meals; or store for soup and stew ingredients.
  *  Nuts, seeds & Sprouted grains ~ eat as snacks; or store for flours, granolas, and baking.
  *  Herbs ~ use in teas, baking, and cooking.
  *  Crackers, breads, and granolas for raw food diets.

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