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Raw into Spring!


Pink Spring Blossom branches


It’s that time of year again with the days gradually getting longer and temperatures pushing higher - Spring is here. It will be nice to have some warmer weather - we love spring!

It's the perfect time for 'out with the old and in with the new'. Along with the seasonal change, Spring Fever is beginning to take hold. The theme of Spring is generally a time of renewal or newness, maybe a fresh start for some. Because the season is associated with such positive vibrations it’s easy to find literally thousands of things to do that are inspired by spring. Spring is ideal for reigniting old projects and kicking off new ones...

So, what are your spring plans?

Perhaps you feel like turning over a new leaf, create a healthy lifestyle and diet that will totally energise you for the upcoming summer.

How do you feel about the Raw Food Diet?



Let's have a ‘RIP RAWIN’ RENDEZVOUS’ with healthy raw food.


We love SUSTAINABILITY and everything NATURAL

Do you want to move away from all of the junk that is currently being called ‘food‘?  Have you noticed that more and more people are joining the 'RAW FOOD Revolution'? We know what damage is being done to people’s bodies due to the food and water most are consuming, so let's take part in the REVOLUTION!  Become a part of all we do and you can turn your passion for healthy and raw food into an enjoyable and exciting adventure.

For many years now people have been taking the RAW and/or HEALTHY alternative, and we offer the tools to assist in the preparation of delicious and nutritious food.

As greater numbers of people become aware that there are some desperately wrong things happening to the food we eat, many people are now researching what they can do to assist their bodies and prevent them from becoming another 'ill health' statistic!

Wanting to heal their bodies from the onslaught over the last couple of decades or so of additives to not only their food, but also their water, a large number of people are wanting to maximise on the nutrients they give to their bodies and hence are taking up the 'raw path'.

Eat as close to Nature as possible, and avoid at all costs as many processed foods as you can. Optimum health begins by eating a whole foods-based diet of mostly vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds. Experiment with yourself: create meals based largely on fresh, colourful plant-based foods - vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds - for at least two weeks, and see what changes this makes in your energy levels.

Statistics may show we are living longer, but we are not necessarily living better. According to the World Health Organisation, one of the growing concerns worldwide is chronic and non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression and cancers.

Sally Fallon, author of the book, Nourishing Traditions, states that our lives are actually not better today than they were in past generations. If you take notice, you’ll probably agree with her findings: too many people today suffer from “degenerative diseases — arthritis, multiple sclerosis, digestive disorders, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and chronic fatigue…Learning disabilities such as dyslexia and hyperactivity make life miserable for too many young people — not to mention their parents.

So, decide to make health your top priority and keep out of these statistics!

We have some great RAW Recipes and Tips coming up, so keep an eye on our future Blog posts.



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